Issued at 6:32pm EST 01/18/2024

Overall very low threat of school closures for Friday.
The largest change to this evening's Day 1 Outlook for Friday is the large reduction of the orange-shaded "Elevated Risk" and yellow-shaded "Minuscule Risk" areas for the central and south-central portions of our coverage area.
A large green-shaded "Pedictabilty Too Low" (non-zero chance for closures) delineation has been highlighted for much of our central and northern coverage area. Areas north of a Allegan to Battle Creek to Hillsdale line will likely not see school closures but a few instances of buses running on paved roads only or perhaps a few delays due to some marginally dangerous wind chills in the morning may be possible in this region.
The possibility of wind-chill-influenced school schedule impacts is focused in the northern yellow-shaded "Minuscule RIsk" delineation present from Kent City and extending north/northeast through Lakeview, Mount Pleasant, and Clare.
Outside of those areas, the next increased risk for school closures begins for the southern portions of our coverage area, especially along and south of the I-94 corridor where overnight snow may reach 2-4 inches in new accumulations.
We have opted to leave the red-shaded "Significant Risk" in place across Berrien County as a Winter Storm is expected to impact that area overnight and especially tomorrow and we expect more scattered to perhaps widespread school closures in this area in anticipation of the travel impacts.