A fast-hitting clipper system will move through northern parts of our coverage area overnight tonight. This system will quickly drop a widespread 1-3 inches of snowfall across the region. School closures and delays are possible, but not expected to be widespread.
The greatest risk for school closures will be along the lakeshore, west of US-31, from Mona Shores and points north through Ludington and up through the northern boundary of our coverage area. This area will be highlighted by a newly introduced "Elevated Risk" in the orange-shaded (31-50% chance)
For districts along and east of US-31 and north/northeast of a Grand Haven to Beal City to Houghton Lake line we have opted to continue highlighting/introducing a yellow-shaded 15-30% risk of school closures.
South and east of the above-mentioned boundary, school closure risk is very low (green-shaded <15%). Only trace amount to perhaps an inch or isolated 2 inches will fall in these areas. That said, the risk for light freezing drizzle, freezing water on roads overnight as temperatures fall to near freezing coupled with the aforementioned snow accumulation has prompted the non-zero risk of closures/delays. The districts within the greater Grand Rapids area will likely not see any closings or delays and we have opted to downgrade those risks from our Day 2 outlook last night to "Potential Too Low."
Additional school closures, likely to be widespread, are anticipated for Friday. See our discussion and graphic for Friday at www.WestMichiganWeather.net/day-2-closings